We offer a wide array of private, group & public classes. They may be designed around a specific piece of equipment, cooking style or ingredient. We offer beginner to advanced level courses. Our courses are written and designed by former college level culinary instructors. Subscribe to our email blasts or follow us on social media for public class announcements, or contact us to book a private class.
Cooking is by nature a social act. It brings people together, so naturally it can be a great team building event. Whether its a whole team kitchen session or individual or group challenges it is a great way to reinforce TEAM in fun pressure situations. Looking for a bigger challenge? We can train your team of coworkers to compete against professionals in one of many professional food competition formats. Contact us to begin planning your "Hunger Games".
Looking to show off a great product or products? Do you need to get the word out? We offer full activation services, whether its cooking equipment, cooking fuel, or food & beverage products we can design a unique activation to show off your products.
Additionally, if you are looking to fill event or airtime with culinary professionals to host educational demos, we can design and execute interactive, educational and fun demos for you by industry professionals with decades of experience. Contact us for your free quote.